Analyze the causes of discoloration of plastic seals in use

2020-01-11 11:09:04 桐乡市佳盛塑料制品有限公司 Viewd 4388

The severe discoloration of plastic seals during the service cycle will directly affect product quality. To this end, the problem of discoloration of plastic seals is discussed and addressed. The instrument and visual inspection methods are used to test the plastic seals under natural weather exposure and artificial ultraviolet light. The light aging resistance is quantitatively characterized by the CIE standard colorimetric goal.

Explore with a lot of data and long-term tracking measurement. The research on plastic encapsulation has obtained the following primary results: The different parameters of SP60 integrating sphere spectrophotometer have great influence on the color measurement of the outer surface of PVC plastic seals. The best conditions for the measurement are CIE L * a * b * system and Color difference formula.

Light source D65 (including specular reflection) and 10 ° field of view. Plastic seals Plastic seals are better in light-resistant than light colors in dark materials under the sunlight of window glass. The change of the two in the initial 90 days was relatively significant, and the discoloration of the light-colored edge banding increased in the next 210 days; the dark color did not change significantly.

In addition, the appearance of the edge banding shows different discoloration, some of which turn yellow and some fade and whitish. After the artificial ultraviolet light was accelerated for 20 days, the parameters of the white edge bands changed significantly, and other color data did not change significantly, which is definitely different from the characteristics of changes under natural exposure conditions.