Use and development trend of plastic seals

2020-01-11 11:10:06 桐乡市佳盛塑料制品有限公司 Viewd 6755

Plastic seal is actually a kind of maintenance label. It is used to attach a plastic seal when the product leaves the factory. This way, you can know that a product has not been disassembled, which is helpful to protect the legitimate rights and interests of customers. We are no strangers. Each plastic seal has a number. The primary effect of the plastic seal code is to distinguish the goods or use it as a mark. The code of the plastic seal is basically composed of 11 numeric letters or symbols. These 11 Number letters or symbols are divided into 3 parts.

The first part of the plastic seal number consists of 4 English letters. The first three digits clarify the owner and operator of the container, and the fourth digit clarifies the type of container. The original standard container listed by CBHU was marked as the owner and operator of COSCO Container Lines. The second part of the plastic seal number consists of 6 digits. It is a cabinet registration code, which is only used for identification of a container box.

The third part of the plastic seal number is a check code, which is obtained by the first 4 digits and 6 digits through a check rule operation. It is used to identify whether an error occurred during the check. Plastic seal number: After the goods are loaded, adding a "lock" to the container is actually a plastic seal. Each plastic seal has a number on it. As long as the plastic seal is damaged, it can be opened to see the related goods inside. of.

With the rapid development of the economic development of plastic seals, traffic has gradually increased, and the value of products has also increased. The market demand is to continuously add seals. Before sealing it, it involves handwritten paper stamps. Many shipping companies and a packaging company reuse the first impression. Seals not only bring convenience to people, but also make our staff more Standard process operations are therefore done to ensure industrial safety and promote social reconciliation.